Friday, May 14, 2010

Wonderful Week

We have squash, zucchini, cucumbers and Alice's new favorite sugar snap peas!  She keeps eating them before they make it to the house!  We should have more soon so don't worry...  Tomatoes are looking good and some are rip.  Come to the farm and get some good for ya veggies!

We are picking up Bees today!  YEA!  So you all need to get ready for the honey!  We are very excited and past ready.  This has been a several year project that in finally coming to light!  We should have bees wax and candles too, once we get going.

The cows are enjoying the summer time weather and long days in the pasture, if it has been awhile since you been to the farm come out a bottle feed one of the babies they are almost to the point that we don't have to (well but we really want to LOL) feed them bottles any more so if you want the experience come on out!

New chicks are doing good.  If you want chicken please let us know how many you will be eating a month and we will get you on board for our chicken production.

Lots of fun things going on at the farm, y'all come!

1 comment:

  1. I loved the bee hives. Would it be possible to purchase one from the same provider if I were so inclined, or was it a one shot deal? By the way, I have some cucumbers for you if you still need them. I'm going to try to come out and visit on Friday, and perhaps bring my daughter to introduce her to the horses if that's ok. Let me know.


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