Saturday, February 26, 2011

Sharing Thoughts and Happenings on the Farm!

Well, we had an interesting week on the farm.  We had a cow get stuck in the mud.  Now HOW do you get her out you may ask!  I did, I called several friends, who raise cattle, and got several answers!  But one showed up, Yea Dylan, to help so we went with their expertise.  Basically we pulled her out with my Tahoe, sounds like a commercial one friend said Ford got nothing on that!  Well, she was not hurt and very happy to be free, followed me all the way to the barn.  She seems much nicer now, coming up for a little extra pat now and then!

We also are rooting some fig tree clippings in hopes of growing figs!  Thanks Mr. Polo for the clippings!  Basically I cut the clippings at the nodes, dipped them in root starter, and buried them in Vermiculite.  Worked last year so will try it again!

We got a whole row planted this week so far, lettuce, carrots, and potatoes.  So we should have goodies soon!  Hope that we can get a lot more in the ground today!  Will keep you updated.  But the greenhouse is looking GREAT with all the flats sprouting up.

We are getting a face lift on the web-site also.  So if you have been to our site, sorry about the broken links, but we are hoping to get it fixed and updated with a new look thanks to Mr. Dee!  I will keep you posted when we are ready to unveil our new site!

Also, I have been wanting to write a children's book called "Alice's Farm" since we moved up here!  Well, I found someone to help me publish it.  I am excited about it and will keep you all updated about it's release!  Basically it will be a series about old country sayings so if you know any that you like send them in and they may make it in a book!

I guess that gets you updated for now.  I have to get busy the daylight is shining and I need to take advantage of it!

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Working Hard on the Farm!

We have been working hard on the Farm and amazing things are happening!  Let me tell you what is going on.

First we have built a raised bed for items that stay all year long.  This will cut down on tilling and weeding for the farm, YEA!  Also we planted the whole thing in a day.  It is 4 feet wide, 28 feet long, and 2 feet deep!  So needless to say that is a LOT of wheel barrels full of dirt to haul!  But we completely filled it up, so I guess I need to get busy on building the second one!  Thought it might take me awhile to fill it up, but no such luck!  Got too excited and I hope everyone like onions!  We actually planted onions, garlic, asparagus, shallots, thyme, basil, cilantro, and other spices!  So if you need spice you now know where to go!  If you have a favorite spice contact me and I'll add it in.

Second we got 6 rows fertilized and tilled and ready for planting!  Bye-Bye Winter garden, Hello spring Garden!  We are so excited.  We have approx. 26 flats planted and waiting to go in.  Lettuce, broccoli, cabbage, cauliflower, spinach, carrots, tomatoes, radishes, beets, and more!  So keep tuned in to find out what is available and when!

Last but not least, Meat Chickens!  We have construction underway to update the buck pen, into the chicken coop for the meat birds!  We are about to place our first order of meat birds and need to know who wants us to raise meat chickens for them and how many do you need?  Call or e-mail me so we can make arrangements and you can get the details!

Well, I guess I am going to sign off for now, but stay tuned to find out what else is happening at the Cox Family Farm!

Meat Chicken Shares available!

I wanted to let you all know that we are explanding with meat chickens on the farm. I need a count of how many people are wanting chickens and how many chickens they want.

We are starting to raise meat chickens. We are doing it on a pre-order basis. Let me explain how it will work.
  1. You decide how many chickens do you and your family eat each week/month? Example 1 wk/4 month
  2. Pay a deposit for the number of chickens you want us to raise for you each month. Deposit will be $3.00 Example 4 x 3 = $12
  3. We order the chickens, eventually we will be hatching your chickens instead of buying them, but to start we are getting them from ideal poultry.
  4. We raise the chickens…. For approximately 4-6 months.
  5. Then we have a processing day. If you choose to, totally your option, you can help process the birds. If you help with the processing day you do not pay for processing the birds. If you do not help then you will pay $1 a pound for process your birds. We will process once every 4 months. This way we are only processing 3 times a year.
  6. You pick up your chicken. We are charging $2.50 a pound for raising your bird.
If you have any question please feel free to contact me at (281) 703-8205. I need to know how many birds you would like us to raise for you, so please contact me ASAP with your numbers and we can make arrangements at that time.

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Things are growing! Inspite the weather!

Well, we planted approx 15 flats before all the bad/cold weather hit.  They survived and are starting to sprout, Yea for the greenhouse!

Tomorrow we are building raised beds and planting more flats!  Maybe even starting on the chicken coop.  Did you decide how many chickens you need each month?  Call and let us know so we can have them for you.

Lots to do and excited about getting it done!

Brussel Sprouts are looking good too!  So if you are wanting some come on out to the farm!

See y'all soon,

Monday, February 7, 2011

Survived the Snow!

Well we have survived the cold with no broken pipes!  YEA!  We lost water for a week and a special thanks goes out to my friends who took us in and let us shower and clean milk equipment.  We are very grateful for that.  We are working on building back up the milk production, glad we have 3 cows in milk. One bad thing is the Washing machine broke :(  so laundry mat here we come.

We are rampping up for the spring with planting and improving the soil!  We are building chicken coops for meat birds, so if you want meat chickens with out all the yuk in them give us a call.  We are now accepting members for the chicken shares.  Think about how many birds you eat a month and how many you want, then give us a call. 

The veggie garden is shaping up too!  So look forward and keep checking on what is ready for harvest.