Monday, February 8, 2010

Another weekend gone, but lots done....

Well, we adopted a new little calf this weekend.  He is adorable!  We named him Breez after the Saints QTRBack and then they WON!!  Geaux Saints....  His mom died and he was only a week old so we are bottle feeding him and he is too sweet!

We also planted in the green house, tomatoes, tomatoes, tomatoes....  did I mention Alice LOVES tomatoes she was so excited!!  We should have several varieties roma, brandywine, beefsteaks and more!

Some of the strawberries are looking Great, the figs seem to doing ok, and the cabbage and lettuce and others are looking great!!!  We got the mulch filled into the 3 rows we had dug so now we need to fert. and transplant!!!!  Big steps in the right direction!  Will be planting more soon....

1 comment:

  1. I hope everything turns out okay with the lettuce always tears at your heart when your work doesn't work out right...but who knows what is right? Perhaps God has a plan.
    Alice loves the cherry tomatoes above all others. Tanya actually has greenhouse tomatoes at the Farmer's Market...I may pick up a basket for Alice(I had to pick up a few regular ones and a basket of cherry tomatoes this past Saturday--they're almost gone). I know how much she loves them. In fact, almost everything I bought at market is gone...and I bought lettuce, broccoli, spinach, cabbage, cauliflower, sprouts, onions, and peanuts...if my friend Cathy had a few of these, I wouldn't need the market, just messin' with you.
    Breez looks like a complete sweety...too bad he's a boy and all...but grassfed beef is a good thing.
    See you soon.


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